Defy ageing

Facial treatments won’t be complete without our jelly mask facial in Sydney. We at Sydney Aesthetic Lounge use them for our hydro jelly facials to help restore moisture levels in your skin. With a variety of jelly mask facial in Sydney on hand, we are happy to offer the many benefits from each type of jelly mask that we can use for your facial treatment, such as hydration, cleansing, smoothening, skin conditioning, moisture retention, inflammation reduction, and toning, among others.

Aside from the multiple benefits to your skin that were mentioned above, these masks help boost collagen and elastin production because of their hydrating and nourishing properties. Collagen and elastin are proteins essential for maintaining the firmness and elasticity of our skin. They help reduce fine lines and wrinkles. Ageing decreases their production and density resulting in sagging skin and wrinkling.

How Hydro Jelly Masks Work

Basically, these masks prevent clogged pores and minimise pigmentation thereby promoting healthy and younger-looking skin. Applying a jelly mask creates a vacuum that pushes its nutrients into the skin. These nourishing ingredients are absorbed by the skin completely. The jelly mask is usually left to set for about 15 to 20 minutes.

At Sydney Aesthetic Lounge, your facial treatment where a recommended jelly mask will be used begins with our beauty therapist thoroughly cleansing your skin and using hot towels to open up your pores. There may even be some microdermabrasion to aid in exfoliating your skin. Once done, the application of the jelly mask to your face takes place.

While the jelly mask is settling, a vacuum is created efficiently pressing the nutrient-rich ingredients of the jelly mask into your skin’s pores. After about 15 to 20 minutes, when the jelly mask has set and solidified, it will be peeled off letting your skin breathe once more and feel refreshed, renewed, and rejuvenated.

Hydro jelly masks are the new generation peel-off masks that give you a more intense and thorough facial treatment where the complete absorption of skin nourishing ingredients are more effective, leaving your skin luxuriously smooth and moisturised. This is one age-defying facial treatment you can get from Sydney Aesthetic Lounge.

About Us

Courtney King, the founder and director of Sydney Aesthetic Lounge, had a dream to open a space for clients where they can feel comfortable enough to achieve their skin goals. That dream came true in June of 2020 when Sydney Aesthetic Lounge was born. SAL is a laser clinic that goes above and beyond, from helping you achieve better looking skin to removing unwanted hair and tattoos. Our expert technical staff have been practicing laser hair and tattoo removal, as well as facial treatments for many years now providing our clients with exceptional results.

Get ready to experience the next level of skin transformation at Sydney Aesthetic Lounge. We provide treatments for men and women of all ages. We specialise in SMP, laser hair removal, medical skin treatments, and tattoo removal. Let our staff’s knowledge and expertise help you yield remarkable results that will make everyone double-take and admire your glowing, radiant look. For enquiries and booking, contact us today on 0423 551 840.